What is the purpose of this website?
To compile and present information regarding BIP119 so that Bitcoiners can make up their own mind with regard to its implementation.
What is a BIP?
A Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) is a design document for introducing features or information to Bitcoin.
What is BIP119?
It is a proposed change to the Bitcoin protocol which introduces the use of new covenants.Covenants in Bitcoin transactions usually refer to restrictions on where coins can be transferred.BIP119 is also referred to as: OP- CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY, OP-CTV or CTV.BIP119 is authored by Jeremy Rubin.
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BIP119 Explainers
Community Discussion about BIP119
Summary of Discussion of BIP119 Activation - Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #197
EXPLORING BIP119 AND THE WAY CHANGES ARE MADE IN BITCOIN by Keagan McClelland, Co-Founder of Start9 Labs for Bitcoin Magazine
Covenants & CTV: What are they, how bitcoin custody might benefit, and what risks to consider by Unchained Capital
Bitcoin Dev Mailing List - There has been much discussion in the Bitcoin Dev email list about BIP-119. The easiest way to parse these discussions is to click the "Subject" hyperlink for each month to see emails organized by subject and find ones referring to OP_CTV/BIP-119.
Bitcoin Made Simple - BIP119 Discussion w/ Guy Swann and John Carvalho
Bitcoin BIP Review - Covenants - by Bitcoin Core Developer Andrew Chow
Keagan McClelland (Start9 Labs Co-Founder) Twitter Thread on BIP119 and Covenants
Andreas Antonopolous BIP-119 Q&A Discussion Video | Response by Ryan Grant
Tone Vays Live Stream BIP-119 Discussion w/ Adam Back, Jimmy Song, NVK, and Bitcoin Mechanic
BitMEX Research Blog Post on BIP-119 & Interview with Jeremy Rubin
Tweet Thread on changes to Bitcoin and BIP119 by Neil Woofine
Community discussion on covenants
Community discussion on consensuus and changes to Bitcoin
Technical Resources
Mcelrath On Chain Defense In Depth by Bob Mcelrath | Transcript | Video
5.5BTC Bug Bounty for finding show stopping flaw in CTV - see OP, QT, and replies
Bitcoin Covenants by Malte Moser, Ittay Eyal, and Emin Gun Sirer
BIP119 in other languages
Serie sobre BIP119 por Lunaticoin Capítulo 1, Capítulo 2, Capítulo 3 Capítulo 4